Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Cohort Goes Nuclear This Thursday

Greeting all,
This Thursday at the cohort Tyler Wigg-Stevenson will take us through what needs to be the next "big" issue Christians take up - nuclear disarmament. Tyler is the Coordinator of the Biblical Security Council here in town, and like Fritz last month, he's trying to connect Christians to advocacy on this issue as a spiritual discipline. Come out for a conversation about how the church can take a lead role in tackling this very real crisis.

As usual we will meet in the pool room at the Flying Saucer from 11:30-1:00.
Call in your lunch orders to 259-3039 by 10:30am if you're able.

Also, if you are interested in promoting/assisting with the Church Basement Roadshow when it comes to town July 28 plan t stay after for 15 minutes to have brief conversation.
