Monday, February 27, 2012

The Sheep and the Goats and the Nashville Cohort

Hey all,
Dixon here with an invitation to the March meeting of the Nashville Cohort, this Thursday from 11:30-1:00 in the pool room at the Flying Saucer.
11 10th Ave. South
(Located Behind Union Station)
Nashville, TN 37203

This month's conversation is another installment of our series exploring the hard words of Jesus.
This time it's Matthew 25:31-46 and the sheep and the goats.
How are missional Christians supposed to approach this text? What is Jesus getting at? If Christianity is about more than escaping hell after you die, what do we do with texts like this one?
Give it a read ( and come out this Thursday ready to get after it.

Don't forget Christ Church Cathedral has offered their parking lot to us free of charge (click the link for directions to 900 Broadway).
So, all that is required to park there is to go into the building and sign in as a guest of the cathedral.

See you Thursday,
Dixon Kinser
Nashville Cohort