Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Time to Get "Omni" this Thursday

Greetings everyone,
The Nashville Cohort will gather this Thursday, March 5 from 11:30-1:00pm at the Flying Saucer in the Pool Room:
11 10th Ave. South
(Located Behind Union Station)
Nashville, TN 37203

Topic: What do we do with the "Omni" statements about God? Where do term like (omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent etc.) come from, and are they still helpful to Christians as they live the mission of God in our world? Holly Rankin Zaher leads the conversation.

Call in your lunch orders by 10:30am to ((615) 259-3039) if you can. The menu can be found here under the "Food" tab (http://www.beerknurd.com/stores/nashville)


Dixon Kinser
Nashville Cohort

1 comment:

Anne Jackson said...

what's the latest on this thursday? gratzi