Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Thursday Night Dante ... an alternative theology pub


I'm trying an experiment. I've always been intrigued by the whole "Theology Pub" thing I see a number of "emerging" folks doing, and thought I'd give it a shot myself here in Nashville.

The setting: David-Kidd Bookstore Café at Green Hills.
The time: Thursday Evenings at 7:30
The text: Dante's Divine Comedy-- translation by Mark Musa (individual volumes available for as little as a penny on Amazon.com, plus shipping of course)
The format: We read one canto per week together, and talk about what it says and what it might mean for our lives
The agenda: Read, eat, talk, challenge, grow. 90 minutes max. Then go home or wherever the next place is for you.
The launch: February 22
The partners in crime: Rob Rexroat and anyone else who wants to try this
The intended audience: Folks who like Italian medieval and Renaissance stuff, people who don't like reading much, poetry geeks, and perhaps a few Christians. As of now, we have two Christians... help find the others!
The journey: We start in Hell for 33 weeks or so, then to Purgatory for another 33 weeks, then to Paradise for 34 more.
What to expect: Hell identifies sin that besets you. Purgatory is about growing in spiritual vision and grace. Paradise is about living from the deep well of God's abundant and transforming love. It's not about the places, the torments, the trials or the rewards. It's about the journey, and a God who's out to save us.

If you haven't read the Divine Comedy, but you always knew you should, here's a book club (if you want to call it that) where the amount of weekly reading is low, but the amount of learning and growth might be pretty high. Even if you come sporadically, or just once.

Let me know if you're interested. Or just show up next Thursday and/or succeeding Thursdays at Davis-Kidd.

Peace in Christ,

Taylor Burton-Edwards


Unknown said...

I'm there. I hope others will be, too.

gavin richardson said...

thursday is pretty much my only bonafide family night without any church or youth function. so as much as i'd love to come i won't be making (unless the lady is out of town).. &:~)

Taylor W Burton Edwards said...

We're really IN Hell now! Just crossed the river Acheron past the vestibule of indecision... Canto 4 next Thursday, March 22.

So come to Hell with us, and bring a few friends... or enemies! Bronte's at Davis-Kidd in the Greenhills Mall, 7:30 to 9 max ('cause they close at 9!).


Taylor Burton-Edwards